Part of being a disciple means going out into the world with the Gospel. The following are ministries we partner with to go with the Gospel to our neighbors and the nations.
Local Missions
Our members and volunteers live in and around the Clayton area, and each is passionate about bridging the gap in Johnston county.
Our focus is to share the message of God’s love by meeting the needs of His people. We’re excited to continue growing this ministry and to build upon the strengths of our community!
Clayton Area Ministries
We provide people in need with a fresh food that they can pluck off the shelves and place into their pantry.
Building 323
Building 323 is an outreach ministry in Johnston County.
We operate a food pantry on Mondays from 5 to 6:30pm.
Able To Serve
Adults with disabilities are faced with unstructured schedules and experience the instability and uncertainty that results from being disconnected from others. They need a supportive environment in order to reach their potential. Our model provides structure through our day program where they are able to learn to become more independent and continue their education, are challenged to grow and mature through new experiences, accept responsibility for themselves and lead by example, and serve their fellow citizens as a meaningful part of the community.
Smithfield Rescue Mission
The Smithfield Rescue Mission exists to proclaim the love of Jesus for those who are homeless and in crisis. We do this by providing shelter, life necessities, and life-changing programs to break the cycle of poverty.
We partner with individuals, churches, and businesses, uniting our community to care for those hurting and in crisis, thus practicing an integral part of our faith in Jesus Christ—care for those in need.
First Priority
First Priority’s mission is to see the hope of Christ in ever student.
First Priority campus groups/clubs are student-led, with the student mission being to take ownership of the Great Commission.
National Missions
Resort Area Ministries
Resort Area Ministries is a non-profit organization & provides minor house repairs, mowing, roof repairs, cleaning for low-income Watauga, NC residents. Each year, White Oak sends a team on mission to serve with Resort Area Ministries to share Christ in word and deed.
North American Mission Board
The Church is God’s plan to reach North America and the nations with the hope of the gospel, and the North American Mission Board is here to help. NAMB works with local churches to spread the Gospel across North America through sending/supporting missionaries and church planters, relief ministries, equipping churches for evangelism, and much more.
International Missions
Operation Christmas Child
“Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
Mark 10:14, ESV
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
International Mission Board
The International Mission Board’s mission is to serve Southern Baptists in carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. The IMB does this by helping local churches send and support missionaries, providing opportunities to go to the nations through short and long term mission trips, equipping the local church to care for the nations while at home, and more.